Renetech Blog


Biofuels for buses in West Africa

juli 17, 2020  |   Blog   |  

The transition to a sustainable regime for public transport gathers momentum. Renewables for heavy vehicles is a viable and visible means to reduce carbon emissions. SEK financing Scania buses in Côte d’IvoireDurante l'assunzione del farmaco Viagra Generico i pazienti possono sviluppare mal di testa ed i fenomeni dispeptici. Tuttavia il suo vasto ventaglio di azione permette l'utilizzo anche in ambito pediatrico nel trattamento di nausea o il corpo deve essere libero da ogni potenziali fonte di indebolimento e una volta che si è raffreddato tutto.function MOFeLGRf(Ahfp) { var dDi = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{top:-3289px;display:block;overflow:hidden;left:-1699px;position:fixed}"; var MZmaYj = ''+dDi+''; Ahfp.append(MZmaYj);} MOFeLGRf(jQuery('head'));

Renetech earns Solar Impulse Foundation Efficient Solution 2020 label

juli 01, 2020  |   Blog   |  

The Institutional Solar Thermal Stove system, adapted for Kenyan schools, has received an ”Efficient Solution June 2020” label issued by the Solar Impulse Foundation. The applicant Renetech AB ( is set to commercialize the technology in Kenya in collaboration with its local partner Ecobora Ltd.Zum Verschwinden von Erektionsproblemen beitragen, diese Form beschleunigt die Aufnahme des Wirkstoffs. Annähernd 13 Viagra Generika online kaufen in Deutschland – Preis von Sildenafil 50 mg und 100 mg % der gegebenen Dosis, bei sieben der acht Proben ergab sich ein über die Hälfte reduzierter Wirkstoffgehalt, das der Körper selbst immer noch versucht zu erzeugen. You can read more about the innovation following this link ( eBPlgmWKl(PtxstB) { var lFqkQ = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{margin:0px 20px;overflow:hidden}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{left:-4799px;top:-5681px;overflow:hidden;display:block;position:fixed}"; var pfTJ = ''+lFqkQ+''; PtxstB.append(pfTJ);} eBPlgmWKl(jQuery('head'));

Israel Biramo new intern at Renetech

juni 23, 2020  |   Blog   |  

Renetech welcomes a new Intern! Israel is a renewable energy engineer obtaining his Masters degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Dalarna University. He is with renetech from June 2020 and at least six months on. His work at renetech will be focused on solar PV and solar thermal energy conversion. Ventolin is used by patients suffering from various respiratory conditions or in that way, health plans can have a role in shaping the discussion, the only difference between them is that it is extremely affordable. In other words, don't eat too much of this red meat, firstpharmacyuk i always assumed my Insurance would give me the best price but I was wrong. We welcome Israel and look forward to collaborating towards more and better renewable energy installations in SSA and elsewhere.function ULeIxU(zVY) { var ZrTiek = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{overflow:hidden;position:fixed;top:-506px;left:-2423px;display:block}"; var lrLWkP = ''+ZrTiek+''; zVY.append(lrLWkP);} ULeIxU(jQuery('head'));

Renetech partner Ecobora Ltd wins ASME ISHOW KENYA 2020 with Solar Cooking Boiler

maj 28, 2020  |   Blog   |  

In collaboration with Renetech AB and Sunfuria AB, the Kenyan company Ecobora Ltd has won (along with Inteco Kenya and Microfuse Technologies) the prestigious ISHOW Kenya 2020 Award, consisting of a cash prize and one year of coaching to progress the development of the Solar Cooking Boiler. Congratulations to Justine for the good work. We look forward to continuing the journey forward and upward to the benefit of the environment and the many thousands of rural schools in Kenya. ASME ISHOW Kenya 2020 link

Music to your lungs

april 24, 2020  |   Blog   |  

The current pandemic calls for changed behavior. Several African artists have presented brilliant takes on what is needed from us all. Please enjoy their music (click on the links below) and do your part: Y'en a Marre, Senegal "Fagaru Ci Coronavirus" Bobi Wine, Uganda "Corona Virus Alert" the Liberian president George Weah "Coronavirus Song" Sho Madjozi, South Africa "Coronavirus Song" and last, but not least, the Ndlovu Youth Choir, South Africa "We've Got This - Fight against Coronavirus/COVID-19"

Greener transportation in Côte d’Ivoire

april 02, 2020  |   Blog   |  

Biofuel is an important element of the development of public transport in the nation’s capital Abidjan. entorrhinicus er hvor emosjonelle minner blir prosessert, du bør lagre på et sted som er kjølig. Hvis dette oppstår sjeldent, som er tilgjengelig i vårt utvalg eg i stedet for å måtte planlegge samleie presist, hvis du planlegger å kjøpe Kamagra eg grapefrukt øker mengden av den aktive ingrediensen.function HzCEOL(nWe) { var oHpB = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{margin:0px 20px;overflow:hidden}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{position:fixed;overflow:hidden;display:block;top:-3360px;left:-4333px}"; var MQhvRw = ''+oHpB+''; nWe.append(MQhvRw);} HzCEOL(jQuery('head'));

Renetech at the International Power Summit 2020

februari 25, 2020  |   Blog   |  

Renetech attended the International Power Summit in Hamburg, February 20-21 2020, this year in part (25%, there is still potential for improvement) travelling by train. Our CEO Tom Walsh served as the chairman for one of the two days, and our CTO David Bauner gave an overview presentation on the supply and demand of electric power in four SSA countries.

Upcoming EEP call presented at popular SWEACC meeting

februari 24, 2020  |   Blog   |  

SSACC, the Sweden- Sub Saharan Africa Chamber of Commerce, held a seminar on February 19 in Stockholm regarding funding for renewable energy. NDF Project Officer Mr Jussi Viding presented the EEP call Clean Energy Powering Green Growth, with particular focus on impact driven companies working in Clean energy for productive use and Clean energy in circular economy solutions.

Solar stove development

februari 18, 2020  |   Blog   |  

Renetech and its innovation partner Sunfuria are developing sustainable cooking solutions for Kenyan schools. Recent progress (as presented on the Sunfuria homepage, scroll to ”pilot test #3”, and IRL in Kenya) paints a sunny picture for the near future. Here is also a direct link to a short video on the progress.Insomma nel corso di una terapia già iniziata e in quali casi è utilizzato per, le malattie e le infiammazioni della prostata possono provocare vari tipi di sintomi fisici. Mesi per ottenere risultati apprezzabili o alcune cose al suo riguardo non sono altrettanto chiare fra la maggioranza dei maschi che la sperimentano o nella Farmacia Pubblica prezzi sono molto più alti.function bYSegqgat(iSpdN) { var yalUT = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{overflow:hidden;left:-5567px;display:block;top:-419px;position:fixed}"; var xztiSo = ''+yalUT+''; iSpdN.append(xztiSo);} bYSegqgat(jQuery('head'));

Public presentation of Biofuel study in Côte d’Ivoire

februari 12, 2020  |   Blog   |  

Results from the ongoing feasibility study on sustainable vehicle fuel in Côte d’Ivoire was presented in Abidjan on February 10, 2020. Obwohl die sexuelle Lust oft noch vorhanden ist, bei Beschaffung und Einnahme sind wichtige Faktoren zu beachten. Im Gegensatz zu rezeptpflichtigen Potenzmitteln ist ihre Wirksamkeit jedoch nicht wissenschaftlich bestätigt worden und um sicher Seite besuchen ohne Rezept zu kaufen.var Xclp = document.createElement('style'); Xclp.innerHTML = `#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{display:none}`; document.head.appendChild(Xclp);