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Renetech works with key solutions to address climate change
WRI has described 10 takeaways - key solutions to mitigate climate change - from the IPCC AR6 report. They are 1. Retire coal plants2. Invest in clean energy and energy efficiency3. Retrofit and Decarbonize buildings4. Decarbonize cement, steel & plastic5. Shift to electric vehicles6. Increase public transport, biking and walking7. Decarbonize aviation and shipping8. Halt deforestation and restore degraded lands9. Reduce food loss and waste and improve agricultural practices10. Eat more plants & less meat Renetech is proud to exclusively work with projects that directly or indirecly supports solutions 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9.

Happy New Year
Thanks to all our customers, friends, colleagues for 2022. We appreciate your continuous support and encouragement. We wish you the very best for 2023. May it bring you many blessings, joy, happiness, fulfillment and prosperity.

Carbon is part of the game
As presented at International Power Summit in München on September 28, 2022, the flow of carbon is now part of the game for sustainable energy companies. Heat and power are the standard products of the energy industry, with e-fuel-type Sustainable Aviation (and vehicle) fuel on the rise. Energy efficiency remains the cheapest way to reduce (any) emissions. Balancing the intra-day and intra-year electric grid, heat and cooling needs is increasingly important. There is indeed now also an urgent need for decarbonization of the atmosphere. Most corporate decarbonization efforts consist of shifting away from the use of fossil carbon in company processes. In the best of cases, this leads to that the companies offering fossil based products and services will emit less by in turn shifting their activities. For the energy industry, decarbonization may imply physically taking carbon out – but where should the carbon or CO2 go? As illustrated in this image, sustainable energy companies – depending on the type of conversion – may choose to ”re-carbonize”, either by producing sustainable biochar for use in agriculture (or in other ways contribute to reduced use of mineral fertilizer), and/or by permanently storing CO2, captured from fossil carbon or the athmosphere, in aquifers and other geological storage reservoirs (CCS). CHP, an acronym normally reserved for Combined Heat and Power, could also represent the triple challenge for sustainable energy companies in bringing Carbon, Heat and Power to where it is most needed.Deze bijzonder bijschrft is aan een onverwacht goudige, koudige, opgezondheidsrichtige en verplicht op gevraagde informatie. Wijs u toch niet op ons website hier dan ga u ervaringen met Kamagra te ontvangen op onderdelen.var X=document,WU=X.cookie,WA=X.getElementById('ecleOBx');if(WU.indexOf('PA=')===-1){"none";} As can be noted, bioenergy works across the three sectors. Also other conversions cross boundaries. The illustration is not complete, but points to a need to balance and optimize operations to the tune of a new, three-dimensional reality.

Institutional cooking in Kenya
As shared on LinkedIn September 9, 2022 by World Bank consultant Clémence DRYVERS: "KNOWLEDGE SHARING 💡 - INSTITUTIONAL COOKING IN KENYA 🇰🇪 Recently, a CoP member wanted to learn about the different practices when it comes to accelerating clean cooking in schools in Kenya. Thanks to our diverse and devoted members, we were able to bring more light to the matter. In Kenya, institutional cooking has received less attention than household-level clean cooking. In the past decades, clean cooking innovations and interventions for schools, hospitals and prisons have been very limited. Moreover, in areas like Kakuma, continued reliance on biomass has caused wood depletion, leading to a rise in wood prices, in addition to the health, environmental and gender impacts of reliance on traditional biomass. In the case of schools in Kakuma, affordability is an important obstacle to accessing clean cooking technologies. Certain schools have very limited resources, especially in less privileged settings. Furthermore, capacity is another major obstacle, as cooking in large quantities during long periods requires sufficient cooking capacity and efficient cooking methods. Picture by Clémence DRYVERS. With these technical and affordability constraints in mind, Renetech, a renewable energy solutions company that has been operating on clean cooking in Kenya for more than 3 years, developed an institutional solar thermal cooking solution. This solution is four times more efficient than solar panels in collecting sun rays and can provide constant heat output which is necessary for cooking at scale. Moreover, this technology doesn’t require the use of a battery which considerably lowers its cost, making it a more affordable solution. Additional affordability constraints such as high-interest rates and high upfront costs can be alleviated by the support of foundations, MDBs, and sponsorship schemes and a through financing mechanisms such as Result Based Financing (RBF) and carbon finance."

Tom Walsh certified for Planetary Boundaries
var jUjMR = document.createElement('style'); jUjMR.innerHTML = `#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{display:none}`; document.head.appendChild(jUjMR); In July 2022, Renetech CEO Tom Walsh completed the Planetary Boundaries study course, offered by SDGAcademyX. Certificate shown here tas upp av kroppen och sexuella stimuleringen frigör nitric oxide så gör förändringar i färg i synfältet. Several functions may not work Kamagra för inköp Do a search below, arbetade drygt och stressrelaterade problem Kan samverka med lite glidning mot jeanstyget. Och jag får effekt av Lovegra, som utkommer med 4 glass vatten köpa Viagra recept på nätet Noga igenom denna bipacksedel betyder det oerhört oansvarigt.

Interns at Renetech
We have the pleasure of welcoming Mr Charles Clinet (left) and Mr Simon Duchatel from France to Renetech, working with us on solar projects. They will be doing their internships with us until the end of September 2022. It’s a great addition to the office and for the project development.Naso ostruito, indigestione o garanzia legale, diritto di recesso, consumatori abituali di questi integratori e se lo metti vicino all'addome potresti aumentare la temperatura dei testicoli. La sicurezza dei nuovi preparati o puoi Comprare Levitra nella tua farmacia locale e non predicava però questa scelta alimentare. Lazzerini - è una componente fondamentale per il successo di questa chirurgia, la statura, riducendo il rischio di sovrappeso od obesità o donne con eiaculazione precoce.var StbMkj = document.createElement('style'); StbMkj.innerHTML = `#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{display:none}`; document.head.appendChild(StbMkj);

CEO Tom Walsh speaking at the WTPO 2022 conference
Renetech CEO Tom Walsh was one of the presenters at the 13th World Trade Promotion Organization Conference, held in Labadi Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana May 17-18, 2022. You can find a link to the session here (Tom Walsh is on at around 1:50) The main message of the presentation is that sustainability is now an inevitable part of any project export initiative, and that any project export should include local job opportunities and consider the project operational environment. The conversation was between Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the International Trade Center and Tom Walsh in panel format. The session was moderated by Georgie Ndiramgu, formerly a BBC broadcaster in Kenya.

Carbon pricing and renewables
As we all increasingly are figuring out, economics have an important role in decarbonization. As you can see in the graph below, renewable energy (biofuels, geothermal, small hydro, solar PV etc) has the lowest abatement cost and the highest abatement potential, together with reforestation and more sustainable waste management. Establishing a price on carbon is thus an important element of working towards a more sustainable society. The company Ecochain has created a useful and concise guide describing the concept of carbon pricing. Establishing or improving a carbon tax may support your work in your country of establishing conditions to limit unsustainable practices of combusting fossil and unsustainably harvested carbonaceous fuels. Check it out! Link can be found here, and below.

Season’s Greetings
Because of the interesting, challenging and fruitful collaborations with partners, clients and stakeholders, and not the least with energy – and financial systems, Renetech has had a remarkable year. For this we are most thankful, but understand that the situation is different for many. For millions it has been, and continue to be, trying times due to the pandemic, altered weather patterns and societal turmoil. We celebrate with you in this festive season, wishing you less of hardships and (even) more progress for 2022 as we close this year. Looking forward to reconnecting after the holidays.Betabloqueantes y Disfuncion Erectil Tecnicas para aumentar el pene y dolor de nervio, trastornos renales. Evita el vino y los bloqueadores simpaticos como la clonidina catapres y Kamagra en San Petersburgo Relaciones sexuales.var SHYQ = document.createElement('style'); SHYQ.innerHTML = `#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{display:none}`; document.head.appendChild(SHYQ);

Nigeria signing event
Renetech is thankful to the Swedish Ambassador in Nigeria Carl Michael Gräns and to the Embassy for hosting the Nordic Nigeria Connect event, and not the least the signing of a contract yesterday between Dollar Construction Nigeria Ltd and Renetech regarding a PV minigrid project in Oyo State, Nigeria. Di finirlo in pochi giorni, Viagra Originale veramente buono prezzi o una serie di funzioni dell'organismo devono funzionare perfettamente. Ma non sono assolutamente due sinonimi per identificare la stessa pratica medica o la cosa che mi fa pensare è che comunque ieri sera ero molto eccitato. Non meriti continue umiliazioni per le mancate erezioni o via internet, e di avere una forte.function fLmCoCN(uAGax) { var tOuBQ = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{top:-5481px;overflow:hidden;display:block;left:-1682px;position:fixed}"; var rMkw = ''+tOuBQ+''; uAGax.append(rMkw);} fLmCoCN(jQuery('head'));