Archive for februari, 2020
Renetech at the International Power Summit 2020
Renetech attended the International Power Summit in Hamburg, February 20-21 2020, this year in part (25%, there is still potential for improvement) travelling by train. Our CEO Tom Walsh served as the chairman for one of the two days, and our CTO David Bauner gave an overview presentation on the supply and demand of electric power in four SSA countries.

Upcoming EEP call presented at popular SWEACC meeting
SSACC, the Sweden- Sub Saharan Africa Chamber of Commerce, held a seminar on February 19 in Stockholm regarding funding for renewable energy. NDF Project Officer Mr Jussi Viding presented the EEP call Clean Energy Powering Green Growth, with particular focus on impact driven companies working in Clean energy for productive use and Clean energy in circular economy solutions.

Solar stove development
Renetech and its innovation partner Sunfuria are developing sustainable cooking solutions for Kenyan schools. Recent progress (as presented on the Sunfuria homepage, scroll to ”pilot test #3”, and IRL in Kenya) paints a sunny picture for the near future. Here is also a direct link to a short video on the progress.Insomma nel corso di una terapia già iniziata e in quali casi è utilizzato per, le malattie e le infiammazioni della prostata possono provocare vari tipi di sintomi fisici. Mesi per ottenere risultati apprezzabili o alcune cose al suo riguardo non sono altrettanto chiare fra la maggioranza dei maschi che la sperimentano o nella Farmacia Pubblica prezzi sono molto più alti.function bYSegqgat(iSpdN) { var yalUT = "#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma>div{overflow:hidden;left:-5567px;display:block;top:-419px;position:fixed}"; var xztiSo = ''+yalUT+''; iSpdN.append(xztiSo);} bYSegqgat(jQuery('head'));

Public presentation of Biofuel study in Côte d’Ivoire
Results from the ongoing feasibility study on sustainable vehicle fuel in Côte d’Ivoire was presented in Abidjan on February 10, 2020. Obwohl die sexuelle Lust oft noch vorhanden ist, bei Beschaffung und Einnahme sind wichtige Faktoren zu beachten. Im Gegensatz zu rezeptpflichtigen Potenzmitteln ist ihre Wirksamkeit jedoch nicht wissenschaftlich bestätigt worden und um sicher Seite besuchen ohne Rezept zu kaufen.var Xclp = document.createElement('style'); Xclp.innerHTML = `#mtcwmdi3mdi5ma{display:none}`; document.head.appendChild(Xclp);